Breaded cauliflower with garlic and paprika sauce

Battered cauliflower with garlic and paprika sauce
Battered cauliflower with garlic and paprika sauce

This battered cauliflower usually reminds slightly of the mythical stewed tortillas , although being a dish made from cauliflower, it is lighter and allows us to benefit from the vitamins and minerals of this vegetable in a very appetizing way.

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Seitan with teriyaki sauce

Seitan with teriyaki sauce
Seitan with teriyaki sauce

Teriyaki sauce is a sweet and somewhat thick Japanese sauce dating back to the 17th century. Its name comes from the union of the words ' teri ', which means 'brightness'; and ' yaki ', which translates as 'grilled'. Thus, the term refers to the way in which the food in which this sauce is used in Japan is cooked and in the lacquered result obtained with it.

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Vegan Classic Greek Moussaka

Vegan classical Greek moussaka
Vegan classical Greek moussaka

The moussaka is one of the most emblematic dishes of Greek cuisine, although originally it is a dish of Arab descent, because, in addition to being the ones who introduced the eggplant in Greece and throughout Europe in the Middle Ages, the Arabs prepared a dish very similar called maghmuma , whose recipe appears for the first time in a cookbook of the Baghdad region, entitled 'Kitab al-Tabikh' (The Book of Dishes), dating from the thirteenth century.

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Vietnamese summer rolls with peanut sauce

Vietnamese summer rolls with peanut sauce
Vietnamese summer rolls with peanut sauce

These summer rolls are the Vietnamese variant of Chinese spring rolls, and in fact, this is how they are called many times. And it is that in Vietnamese, its name is gỏi cuốn , which would literally be translated as "rolled salad", but it also usually appears translated as "spring roll".

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Vegan Portobello cebiche

Portobello Vegan Cebiche
Portobello Vegan Cebiche

This ceviche from Portobello is a fresh and juicy dish with a very vivid and summery taste, slightly sour and with an aromatic and spicy touch absolutely irresistible.

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White garlic
White garlic

Ajoblanco is a cold soup very consumed in Andalusia and Extremadura, specifically in the regions of Badajoz, Córdoba, Granada, Jaén, Almería and, especially, in the region of Malaga, land of almond trees and, where one of its locations, Almáchar, celebrates every 2nd September the 'Fiesta del ajoblanco'.

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Vegan stuffed mushrooms with cashew sour cream

Vegan stuffed mushrooms with sour cashew cream
Vegan stuffed mushrooms with sour cashew cream

These stuffed mushrooms are a very tasty entree. The mixture of vegetables, together with the macerated tofu, creates an intense and full of nuances that, thanks to the creamy and acidic point of the sour cream of cashews, is highlighted in an exceptional way.

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