This ceviche from Portobello is a fresh and juicy dish with a very vivid and summery taste, slightly sour and with an aromatic and spicy touch absolutely irresistible.
Continue reading «Vegan Portobello cebiche»This ceviche from Portobello is a fresh and juicy dish with a very vivid and summery taste, slightly sour and with an aromatic and spicy touch absolutely irresistible.
Continue reading «Vegan Portobello cebiche»This recipe is very simple to prepare, with a juicy result and delicate spicy notes and an irresistible flavor reminiscent of oriental cuisine.
Continue reading «Spirals with vegetables with the touch of ginger»The César salad is one of the most special and delicious salads, with a fresh and very appetizing taste that, in addition, is very easy to prepare.
Continue reading «Caesar vegan salad with homemade croûtons»The cooked tortillas are an ideal dish to combat the low temperatures, since it is a stew with a warm and delicious flavor that brings a lot of energy.
Continue reading «Vegan stewed tortillas»This is a recipe very typical of Madrid that is usually consumed in a special way on holidays, although it is so delicious that it is ideal to enjoy it during the whole cold season, which is when the red cabbage is at its best .
Continue reading «Sweet and sour red cabbage with apple, raisins and pine nuts»Pickled potatoes are a typical dish from the north of Extremadura, a region known for the olive oil of the Sierra de Gata, paprika de la Vera and cherries from Valle del Jerte.
Continue reading «Pickled potatoes»Pasta salads are ideal both for hot days and when you do not want to get too involved in the kitchen or do not have too much time.
Continue reading «Tropical pasta salad with sweet and sour nut vinaigrette»